Nov 20, 2020

Mayor Victorino releases statement on confirmed COVID-19 case in Hāna

Mayor Michael Victorino released the following statement today on a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Hāna.

“The County of Maui has been notified that a test result has returned positive for a resident of Hāna. The person is asymptomatic and in self-isolation and has no recent travel history.

The Department of Health is investigating and conducting contact tracing.

“The person was among approximately 100 people who were tested for COVID-19 in Hāna on Wednesday as part of the County’s free testing programs for residents and visitors. The County provided this free testing event as a means to protect our Hāna community and

preemptively address positive cases that may have gone undetected otherwise.

“I want to reassure our residents of Hāna that the County of Maui is working closely with State Department of Health officials who are calling close contacts this individual might have had. We are hopeful that this has been caught early and can be contained quickly.

“I urge Hāna residents to stay home as much as possible and practice aloha by taking all measures to limit the spread of the virus in our community. These include wearing face masks, practicing physical distancing and avoiding gatherings.”

State Sen. J. Kalani English is working with State Rep. Lynn DeCoite to host a community meeting at 6:30 tonight via Zoom.

Click on the following link to register: