Sep 18, 2020

The Hawai'i COVID-19 Joint Information Center: COVID-19 quarantine exemption requests go digital

Online Submissions Available Starting Tomorrow 

In an effort to make the quarantine exemption process easier and more efficient,  the State Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS), developed a new web-based form which goes live on Saturday, Sept. 19, 2020.

Previously those seeking exemptions, such as critical medical or infrastructure workers had to communicate with, and provide information to, the State via emails. The new online form and  submission system will mean more efficient interactions with exemption seekers, better data gathering and access for decision makers.

Currently, exempt travelers will still have to provide an e-mail approval documenting exempt status at State airports. Work is already underway to synchronize the exemption digital platform with Hawai‘i’s SafeTravels platform for a more integrated and seamless experience. This applies to trans-Pacific travel and not interisland as each county has its own exemption rules and process.

Before the digital system is active, applicants can still submit their requests by email to Any requests submitted before September 19, 2020 will be processed via email in the usual course. People seeking exemptions are asked not to submit duplicate exemptions requests via email and the digital system, as that may delay processing.

As a reminder, people who receive approval for the modified quarantine exemption are still required to self-quarantine when they are not performing their approved essential functions. This means they may only break self-quarantine to perform their critical infrastructure duties and not for grocery shopping, outdoor exercise, or anything else outside their self-quarantine location.

Beginning tomorrow exemption seekers can fill out their requests online as well as review a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) at: