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County of Kaua'i: Kupuna hours at DMV announced for month of July

Effective Wednesday, July 15, the County of Kaua‘i will be offering Kupuna hours at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in order to better serve residents ages 65 and over seeking both Driver’s Licensing and Motor Vehicle services.

Kupuna hours will be from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m., Monday through Thursday, through the month of July as a pilot program. Updates to Kupuna hours will be announced as needed.

During these dedicated hours for Kupuna, no appointments will be needed as customers will be seen on a first-come first-served basis. However, Kupuna are advised to arrive no later than 7:45 a.m. to ensure service. Except road testing, all other DMV services

will be offered to Kupuna during these dedicated hours.

All other customers will be seen by appointment only.

As a reminder for the general public, the DMV has recently implemented an online

appointment scheduling system.

Appointments can be made at To access the link through the County of Kaua‘i website, visit and click on the “GetInLineOnline” icon.

A list of required documents and answers to frequently asked questions can also be found on the county’s website Please be sure to bring all required documents to your scheduled appointment.

The County DMV ensures that the health and safety of the community and their associates has been and remains their primary focus. As a reminder, social distancing guidelines will be enforced, and masks will be required for entry and service.

For more information or questions, please visit or call the Drivers’ Licensing Division at 241-4242 or the Motor Vehicles Division at 241-4256.

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