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  • Writer's pictureHawaiʻi State Senate

County of Hawai‘i Recommends Wearing Cloth Face Coverings to Protect Others

Hawai‘i County Mayor Harry Kim recommended Friday that people wear cloth face coverings when in public to protect others from the spread of COVID-19.  The recommendation reflects one made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is supported by the Mayors of the State of Hawaii.

The Mayor made clear that he did not recommend surgical or N-95 masks for general use, because supplies need to be reserved for first responders and health care providers. Homemade masks can be made from household items, old clothing or bandannas. For more information on how to make a face mask from fabric, please call Civil Defense at 935-0031.

“This would be voluntary, and it would be to protect each other from Coronavirus,” Mayor Kim said.  “As Dr. John Martell of Hilo Medical Center says, ‘Let’s all protect each other.’”

People can contract and spread the virus without showing symptoms, so it is wise to assume that you could be a carrier and so wearing a mask would protect other people, Mayor Kim said.  A homemade mask can block one’s own germs from infecting others.

The Mayor recommended that everyone wear a mask when leaving home and encountering others.

Let us all protect each other.

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