The Hawai‘i Department of Health is reporting the 13th and 14th deaths associated with COVID-19 in the state. One is an O‘ahu man who had been hospitalized since the beginning of April, was over 65-years-old, and had underlying medical conditions. He had a history of travel to Las Vegas in March. The other is also an O‘ahu man, over 65-years-old, who’d also been hospitalized recently and also had underlying health conditions. His infection was the result of community-associated spread.
“Dawn and I join all of Hawai‘i in expressing our sincere condolences to the family and friends of these. men, ” said Gov. Ige. “While the death rate from coronavirus in Hawai‘i is among the lowest in the nation, the tragic passing of these men today emphasizes the need for social distancing, staying home when sick, washing hands and other measures to protect everyone and prevent serious illness, hospitalizations, and deaths.”