West Maui, Hawaiʻi – Today, Senator Angus L.K. McKelvey (District 6 – West Maui, Māʻalaea, Waikapū, South Maui) issued the following statement thanking Governor Josh Green for releasing $3,2000,000 in capital improvement project (CIP) funds to finance improvements at Mala Wharf and Ramp, including resurfacing of the roadway and parking areas, drainage and comfort station improvements, and new lighting:
“The necessity for this funding has been keenly felt in the community, especially considering the ongoing challenges faced by the area,” McKelvey said, highlighting the timely nature of this initiative.
“Given the overall infrastructure and repairs, the release of these funds couldn't come at a better time,” McKelvey said. He expressed hopes that County and Federal leaders will collaborate closely with the State to expedite these much needed repairs and improvements, further enhancing the area for the community's benefit.
“I want to Mahalo Governor Green for releasing these funds now and hope that we can also address the area of immediate concern to the community which is the critical need for dredging at Mala Wharf. This action is essential to restore and maintain the functionality and safety of the wharf, which serves as a significant point of access and operation for the local community,” McKelvey said, adding that funding was secured for the Department of Land and Natural Resources previously for this effort.
“Prioritizing dredging is critical in order to ensure that we can continue use the ramp and facilitate this important project the funding will be used for,” McKelvey said.
According to McKelvey, the funds were secured as part of his CIP request to address the quality issues plaguing the local boating community trying to use the ramp.